Congratulations to the 2021 Bright Ideas grant award winners! 27 teachers were awarded Bright Ideas grants in 2021, approved by the Coweta-Fayette Trust Board. The total amount awarded to local educators was $29,650.25. Several teachers from Coweta-Fayette EMC’s service area applied to receive a 2021 Bright Ideas grant for their inventive classroom projects. See below to view each of the grant recipients!
Bright Ideas is funded by Operation Round-Up. The pennies you contribute each month to Operation Round-Up, when combined with the pennies of thousands of other members, benefit those in our local community! Help support our local educators by signing up here: https://utility.org/operation-round-up-purpose/.
The 2022 Bright Ideas applications will become available in May 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Manus at (770) 252-7442 or jmanus@utility.org.