Electrical Safety
Stay away from Coweta-Fayette EMC equipment, which includes poles, guy wires, substations, underground transformers and trucks working on lines.
Stay away and keep others back from fallen power lines (including telephone and cable TV lines). Call us immediately if you see downed lines.
Keep all objects away from power lines. Ladders, antennas and kites are fatal when in contact with a “hot” power line.
Never touch a person who is in contact with a live power line.
Plant trees and shrubs away from overhead power lines and underground transformers.
Don’t build or construct anything under overhead power lines.
When you see our crews and equipment along roadsides, slow down and proceed with care.
If someone comes to your home as a Coweta-Fayette EMC employee, ask for identification and look for our logo on their vehicle. If in doubt, call our office for confirmation. All Coweta-Fayette EMC employees carry ID cards.
Call Before You Dig
State law requires you to call the Utilities Protection Center (800-282-7411) before you do any type of digging or work adjacent to underground or overhead power lines. They will come out, spot our lines and help you avoid an expensive or dangerous situation.
Just dial 811