Bright Ideas Grant Application

Are you ready to “Think BIG” for your students?
Applications are currently closed.
Many teachers develop innovative classroom projects, but lack the funds to implement the projects. Our Bright Ideas Grants will help fund these projects for teachers.
- School teachers in the area Coweta-Fayette EMC serves.
- Projects must benefit students in grades Pre K-12.
- Teachers may only be an applicant of one project per school year.
- Instructions must be followed completely.
Grants are open to all subjects.
Grant Limit:
Projects can be funded up to the maximum amount of $1,500 or they may be partially funded.
Selection Criteria:
- Uses innovative, creative learning experiences for students (25%).
- Clearly defines goals and learning objectives (25%).
- Provides implementation through instructional experiences that directly involve students otherwise unavailable (25%).
- Provides immediate and/or ongoing benefits to students (15%).
- Provides an adequate budget summary (10%).
If a grant is awarded:
- Grant must be used within 18 months.
- Applicant will submit a report about the grant.
- Applicant grants sponsors the right to use their name, photo and information about grant in publicity.
Follow along with us as we surprised teachers in our community with B.I.G. awards! What a great way to give back and support education. Together we are creating a BIG impression on the minds of our future leaders!
Operation Round Up, Coweta-Fayette EMC’s Trust sponsors the Bright Ideas Grants. The Trust administers the Operation Round-Up program in which the cooperative’s members volunteer to “round up” their power bills to the nearest whole dollar. The change goes directly to the Coweta-Fayette Trust, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to making life better for our community. Coweta-Fayette EMC, a member of Touchstone Energy, is a not-for-profit, consumer-owned power cooperative providing electricity to more than 65,000 members in Fayette, Coweta, Clayton, South Fulton, Spalding, Troup, Heard and Meriwether counties. All grants will be used in the areas Coweta-Fayette EMC serves.
Attention 2024 Bright Ideas Grant Winners:
If you are one of our past Bright Ideas Grant Winners, we would like to hear from you! Please fill out the report and return it to us by June 30. Also, answer every question and provide as much detail as possible when answering. Details and especially photos in any aspect of your project are important to us for presentations and news releases. Your input is important to us also. Any additional comments or ideas to help improve the program would be greatly appreciated.
If you have additional questions, please call us at 770-502-0226.
You may also Email us.