Energy Efficiency
Everything you do, no matter how small, can add up to big savings – for you and your neighbors. From flipping a switch to upgrading to CFLs. So take your pick, and save your money.
To find out more ways to save on energy cost with 101 easy ways to save Energy and Money

Natural Gas Prices
Choose the rate plan that works best for you, whether you like to lock-in your rate or change with the market. Our plans are easy to understand and available to everyone—no matter if you’ve just signed up or you’ve been with us for years.

Together We Save
This is designed to provide you with energy saving tips, tricks and practices. Discover ways to improve energy efficiency on this room-by-room cyber journey of a typical home. You can also see how much you can save by replacing standard incandescent lights with Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs). Quite a lot!

Online Home Energy Audit
This easy-to-use tool is designed to help you identify the best ways to save energy in your home.

Home Energy Calculator
Determine the cost of your current energy use and see how that amount changes by creating various scenarios for comparison.

For more information on energy efficiency, visit the Touchstone Energy Savers website, and start spending less today!
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