Currently, Coweta-Fayette EMC submits two separate service orders for underground and permanent service, which requires two requests from our customers as well. Now, only one service order will be submitted for both Underground and Permanent Service requests. Customers will no longer need to request Permanent Service.

Once we receive your request for underground service, a new service order will be submitted requesting Underground Service. Once the underground is completed, we will hold the order until we receive a permit from the building department for permanent service. Once the permit is received, we will pull the order and send a crew to install the permanent service. If the Permanent Service permit is received prior to the Underground install, both services will be installed simultaneously.

In the form below, be sure to select whether you will need to retire the temporary service when permanent service is installed.

Builder Request Form

As a contractor, you can count on Coweta-Fayette EMC to work with you on your current project. Just fill out the form and we’ll work with you to make sure your project runs smoothly.

Builder Request Form V2



Yard Release
In order to provide electrical service to you, it is necessary to access your property with vehicles and/or equipment. To do this, there is the possibility of damage to your property. Coweta Fayette EMC will not be liable for damages. This includes but is not limited to driveways, sidewalks, lawns and flowerbeds that are in the direct path of construction of the electric lines and in the agreed upon service corridor. This also includes all privately-owned facilities installed, but not limited to, septic/sewer drain lines, water lines, sprinkler systems, driveways, grass, yards, etc. It is the responsibility of the owner / developer / builder to properly identify all these facilities. Locate marks should be maintained and visually evident when the installation of electric lines begins. Coweta Fayette EMC will make every reasonable effort to avoid damage to such facilities.

Rock Clause
If during the installation of underground, any rock or soil prohibits normal trenching or plowing, it will be the responsibility of the Owner / Builder / Developer to remove the rock or soil AND supply CFEMC materials suitable for backfilling of ditch line. Coweta Fayette EMC is required by law, to notify GA Utilities Protection Center and obtain their own valid Locate Ticket Number before any digging can occur.

By signing below, you are acknowledging your acceptance and adherence to the Yard Release and Rock Clause written above.