Your EMC Supports Local Economic Development

Coweta-Fayette EMC actively participates in three local Chambers of Commerce– Fayette, Coweta and Heard. Employees have served on their boards and committees helping secure a better future for our member business. Your EMC also actively supports their endeavor to better our educational system by serving on committees and working directly with the mentoring and partners in education programs. It is a privilege to be a part of these groups and one that Coweta-Fayette EMC takes seriously.

Energizing the Economy

When it comes to economic development, Coweta-Fayette EMC has a proven track record of helping businesses as they evaluate our community for a new facility or helping foster the growth of our existing businesses.

Coweta-Fayette EMC and its dedicated economic development staff work closely with local leaders and organizations to ensure that companies receive the information and support they need to make informed business decisions. We are “on the ground” every day, working to make our home a better place for business.

Energizing Business

Coweta-Fayette EMC has virtually unlimited flexibility to design electrical service systems, rates and programs to meet your energy needs. We’ll work in partnership with you to develop a package of incentives that maximizes the return on your energy investment and minimizes your start-up costs. Some of the ways we can assist may include:
  • Site selection incentives
  • Facility cost, such as site lighting and electrical equipment amortized over time
  • Power quality assistance
  • Electrical load/demand shedding option
  • “Capital Credits” refunds based on the customer’s consumption and the EMC’s annual financial performance.
  • Access to a network of new technology profession and best practices

An Accurate Approach to Energy Pricing…

Coweta-Fayette EMC has pursued a well-planned, fiscally responsible growth strategy. We do not engage in the kind of debt refinancing which produces falsely depressed up-front costs and ballooning future prices.

We’ll give you the accurate long-term cost projections crucial to your company’s fiscal health, and, when appropriate, we can provide rate guarantees.

An Ongoing Partnership

Coweta-Fayette EMC offers ongoing support to help your business grow and prosper. We’ll keep you updated on new technologies that may benefit your company, provide facility and expansion reviews, and perform diagnostic monitoring.

No-cost services include:

  • Rate evaluation: We’ll research your plans and local demands and recommend the best rate for you.
  • Load Management Assistance: We’ll design a load management program specifically for your company and provide technical support for installation and maintenance.
  • Energy Surveys/New Technologies Consulting: Working with your engineers, designers and contractors, we’ll review construction plans, equipment choices, and anticipated operating schedules. We’ll offer recommendations on new technologies to make your facility’s operation smoother and more economical.

Coweta-Fayette EMC is committed to exceeding your energy expectations. We’re also committed to helping your company grow – to being your partner in business. As you consider our community, and as you thrive here, we’ll energize your company and provide you with a wide range of important services. From quality power to energy consulting to exciting new technologies…It’s the way we do business.