Operation Round Up Trust
How does it work?
All money collected from members is placed in an interest-bearing account and managed by an independent board of directors, the Coweta-Fayette Trust Board. By participating, you will contribute an average of 50¢ per month…a small amount which will be combined with other contributions to make a big difference in the community!
Operation Round Up® is one of the contributions to society of which the Coweta-Fayette EMC is most proud, and it could not have been successful without the willingness of you, our member/owners, to participate. We thank you, and hundreds of individuals and organizations thank you, too!
Kelvin Freeman Thompson - Chairman
Coweta County
Coweta County
Lynn Coggin - Vice Chairman
Coweta County
Coweta County
Brandy Jenkins - Secretary/Treasurer
Counties other than Coweta & Fayette
Counties other than Coweta & Fayette
Jason Banks
Fayette County
Fayette County
Melissa Turner
Coweta County
Coweta County
Christie Burton
Fayette County
Fayette County
Evie Mock
Coweta County
Coweta County
Sharon Simmons
Fayette County
Fayette County
Debbie Relyea
Fayette County
Fayette County