What is Operation Round Up?
Operation Round Up is a program to generate and collect donations from our members that are used to benefit charitable organizations and the communities within the CFEMC service territory.
How does it work?
Each month, the electric bills of participating EMC members are rounded up to the next dollar. For example, if your bill is $65.40, it would be rounded up to $66. A bill of $59.99 would be rounded up to $66. All money collected from members is placed in an interest-bearing account and managed by an independent board of directors, the Coweta-Fayette Trust Board. One hundred percent of the funds are donated to charitable organizations through an application process. CFEMC does not keep any of the money collected. On average a member will donate $6 a year.
How will the money be used?
This program is overseen by the CFEMC Trust Board of Directors and 100% of the donated funds stays in the communities we serve. The Trust Board reviews applications and distributes funds. ORU provides grants to nonprofit organizations and individual/families in need of help. The Trust has distributed more than $6.1 million in assistance in the communities we serve. Check out our latest ORU Annual Report here!
How do I sign up?
This is a voluntary program and our members can sign up or opt out at any time by completing the an application (see Sign Up Button), enrolling through your online account by selecting “Round Up” under the Services tab or by contacting a Customer Service Representative at 770-502-0226.
The History of Operation Round Up
The idea for ORU began in the late 1980’s at an EMC in South Carolina. The manager was looking for a way for his co-op members to express the cooperative spirit in their local communities. That’s how Operation Round-Up started. It proved to be so successful that the program, including its guidelines, became a registered trademark. The program received national attention from National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and other EMC’s became interested. Today many EMC’s in Georgia and across the nation are licensed to offer this program as a way for their members to help out in their local communities.
That’s why Coweta-Fayette became involved and licensed in 1993.

ORU Vision
Founded by Coweta-Fayette EMC, the idea of neighbors helping neighbors remains at the heart of everything we do. Today, we continue this tradition across the communities we serve, offering a wide range of programs that benefit everyone—from young students to seniors on fixed incomes, and those with special medical needs. It’s through the support and involvement of our members that we are able to make a meaningful impact on the lives of so many.
ORU Mission
The mission of the Coweta Fayette EMC Trust is to strengthen and meet the needs of the communities served by Coweta Fayette EMC. This is achieved by offering financial grants to individuals and nonprofit organizations through CFEMC Trust’s Operation Round Up program.