SmartChoice Solar

Participating in the community solar project gives members who are interested in green energy an option to participate in a way that is more economical than installing rooftop solar on their homes.
It will allow our members the ability to utilize renewable energy without long-term contracts, no local permitting or zoning issues, no issues with their homeowner’s insurance, and no roof or structural modifications to their home.
Smart Choice Solar offers CFEMC members a zero-emission, affordable, renewable energy solution for their home and business. By grouping solar panels together, costs can be shared, power output maximized and the hassle of rooftop installations can be avoided. Smart Choice Solar generates energy in a way that creates no pollution or carbon emissions. To purchase your clean renewable energy source, fill out the form below.
Members can sign up for up to 10 solar panels at a cost of $7 each. That equates to an average cost of $0.128 cents per kilowatt hour which is slightly higher than our standard residential rate. Each month their bill will show the portion of energy produced by their panels and the amount paid for them at the solar rate. That will be subtracted from their total usage and members will then pay the regular rate for the remainder owed on their bill.
Emission Free
Enjoy clean energy from zero carbon solar panels.
Members can purchase a portion of the energy output from our local solar farm for a monthly charge of $7.00 per solar panel. Each panel will generate an average of 55 kiloWatt hours per month.
Your monthly bill will show the portion of energy produced by your solar panels and the amount you paid for it at the solar rate.
Just call 770-502-0226 and say “Sign me up!.”
Smart Choice Solar
Sign up today! Coweta-Fayette Electric Membership Corporation – Phone: 770-502-0226 Fax: 770-251-9788
Your Source for Power and Information
Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are just as committed to protecting co-op members as they are to making their lives better. You can trust your local Touchstone Energy co-op to identify and assess energy options for members. You can always tap into your local cooperative for the latest information about energy options in our area. Since our co-ops serve 75% of America’s land mass, we’re quite plugged in.
Providing answers to your questions about producing and using energy efficiently is just another way your local Touchstone Energy cooperative answers to you.
As your Touchstone Energy cooperative, we are your source for energy and information. Since interest in solar power generation is growing, we put together a series of fact sheets to help answer questions you might have. Contact us for more information about solar and assistance in making decisions about whether solar is a good option for you.
Solar FAQ
10 Steps to Take Before Installing Solar
Contractor Q’s
Community Solar
Solar Ownership Options
Lease or buy? This basic question applies to solar, as well as to other lifestyle choices you make. With solar, however, there are additional options to consider, such as obtaining solar through your cooperative’s green power programs, or participating in a community solar project. Find details about these options, and help in determining which is right for you.
Solar Systems: What Size is Right for You?
Getting Started with Your Home Solar Energy Installation
To start the process, be sure the technology you have chosen meets all of the requirements listed below and submit an interconnection application. You will probably need to have the vendor help with your application to ensure that all of the requirements can be met. Upon receipt of the application Coweta-Fayette EMC’s Supervisor of Technical Operations & System Planning will review the application for approval. If your application is denied, Coweta-Fayette will provide information as to the requirements of approval.
Once approval is obtained by Coweta-Fayette EMC, the appropriate interconnection agreement shall be executed and any integration cost due to the EMC shall be paid prior to implementation. Prior to the physical interconnection, a Coweta-Fayette EMC representative will inspect for proper operation and installation.
For more information, please contact our Supervisor of Technical Operations & System Planning.