PALMETTO, GA, October 5, 2022 – Following last year’s successful sporting clay shoot fundraiser, Coweta-Fayette EMC’s Operation Round Up Foundation hosted its 2nd Annual Clays for Community Sporting Clay Shoot on Friday, September 30 at Big Red Oak Plantation in Gay, Georgia.
With help from the local community, the clay shoot tournament raised over $22,000 to help provide grants to non-profits and enhance educational opportunities for local students through CFEMC’s Operation Round Up Foundation.
The successful event included participation from 70 individuals from 18 teams competing to give back to the community. Overall winners include Newnan Utilities, 1st Place; Koppers, Inc., 2nd Place; and PENCO Restoration, 3rd Place.
The Foundation was able to raise money from proceeds in the form of sponsorships and donations directly from 27 local businesses/individuals, including Accounting Resources, Asplundh, Brad Sears, Brent Scarbrough & Co. Inc., Carroll EMC, Coweta County Water & Sewage Authority, Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, Coweta-Fayette EMC, Doug Warner, Elliott Electric Supply, Emerald Transformer, EnerVision, Inc., Gresco Utility Supply, Inc., Koppers, Inc., Mark Gray Insurance, Meriwether Site Solutions, Inc., Newnan Utilities, North Georgia Concrete, Inc., PENCO Restoration, Piedmont Newnan, Pike Corporation, Radiance Solar, Randolph Williams, Relyco, Strack, Inc., Survey & Ballot Systems, Turner & Associates Land Surveyors.
“We were excited to host the event again in hopes of raising additional funds for the Operation Found Up Foundation” said Alice Reeves, Chair of Coweta-Fayette Trust Inc. Board. “The funds raised from the event will be distributed directly to those in need and allow us to enhance our community’s quality of life. Thank you to all those who came together to help give back to the communities we serve.”
Coweta-Fayette EMC’s Operation Round Up Foundation celebrated 27 years in 2020, and since its inception, the Foundation has distributed more than $6 million in assistance to those in need within our local communities. Operation Round Up could not be successful without with willingness of our members/owners that participate. Sign up for Operation Round Up by visiting To learn more about the event, please visit
Founded in 1993, Operation Found Up offers Coweta-Fayette EMC members the opportunity to “round up” their bill to the next highest dollar amount, with the difference being contributed to a fund which is awarded to various individuals and organizations in need.