Board Governance

Board of Directors Meeting

CFEMC Board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the CFEMC headquarters in Palmetto, GA.

Policy to Attend and Present Information at a Board Meeting


Election Information

CFEMC and the Board of Directors believe the foundation of any successful cooperative is member trust and transparency. That’s why for over 10-years, CFEMC has contracted with Survey & Ballot Systems’ (SBS) to manage our election process, so our members can count on an accurate and certified election result. This service allows our members the option to vote by mail, online or in-person. Each year, members receive an annual meeting registration packet mailed to their homes in advance of the annual meeting. Inside each member will find a copy of the meeting notice, candidate information, procedures on voting, and a copy of the EMC annual report. We believe it is every member’s responsibility to exercise their right to vote for their representation.

Qualification of Directors: No person shall be eligible to become or remain a board member of the Cooperative:

  1. Who is not eighteen (18) years of age or older.
  2. Who is not a member of the Cooperative.
  3. Who is not a bona fide resident of the district the member represents.
  4. Who is in any way employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise.

Nominations by Nominating Committee and Petition From the Bylaws of Coweta-Fayette Electric Membership Corporation

3.04 Qualifications of Directors

No person shall be eligible to become or remain a board member of the Cooperative: (a) Who is not eighteen (18) years of age or older. (b) Who is not a member of the Cooperative. (c) Who is not a bona fide resident of the district the member represents. (d) Who is in any way employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise. Upon establishment of the fact that a board member is holding the office in violation of the foregoing provisions, the Board shall remove such member from office.

3.05 Nominations by Nominating Committee

It shall be the duty of the Board to appoint, not less than forty-five (45) days before the date of the meeting of the members at which board members are to be elected, a committee on nominations consisting of not less than five (5) nor more than eleven (11) members who shall be selected so as to give equitable representation to the geographical areas served by the Cooperative. No member of the Board may serve on such committee. Written notice of the names of the members of the committee and meeting date for the committee shall be provided to the members prior to such meeting. It shall be the duty of the nominating committee to meet not less than forty-five (45) days prior to such meeting and to nominate one or more candidates for each seat on the Board of Directors that is to be filled at such meeting.

3.06 Nominations by Petition

Other nominations for such elections may be made by written petition signed by not less than fifteen (15) members, which shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Cooperative or his/her designee not less than forty-five (45) days prior to such meeting.

3.07 Notice of Nominees

The Secretary shall be responsible for posting at headquarters of the Cooperative the nominees for each seat made by the nominating committee and by petition, and shall provide written notice thereof to the members by separate written notice according to the rules and procedures promulgated by the Board of Directors. 

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