by cfcadmin | Apr 25, 2016 | News Center
Palmetto, GA—April 25, 2016—Northgate High School student Ashleigh Ryan recently won the esteemed Walter Harrison Scholarship, an award sponsored by Georgia’s 41 electric co-ops. She was one of 75 students to enter the statewide competition, which provides $1,000 to...
by cfcadmin | Nov 20, 2015 | News Center
Palmetto, GA—November 20, 2015—Eleven Fayette school teachers were surprised with goodie bags, supplies and Bright Ideas checks ranging from $640 to $1,500 when a group of Operation Round Up representatives showed up Oct. 19-20 to announce winners in classrooms across...
by cfcadmin | Oct 16, 2015 | News Center
Palmetto, GA—October 16, 2015—Coweta-Fayette EMC hosted approximately 3,000 consumers and family members for a foggy fall morning full of food, fun and prizes at the 68th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day Oct. 10 at cooperative headquarters in Palmetto....
by cfcadmin | Oct 2, 2015 | News Center
Palmetto, GA—October 2, 2015—Fairness and mutual respect are just two of the character-building qualities that represent good sportsmanship. To celebrate these qualities, Coweta-Fayette EMC recently honored Sandy Creek High School in Tyrone with the 2015 Georgia High...
by cfcadmin | Sep 4, 2015 | News Center
Palmetto, GA—September 4, 2015—To help local women and children seeking transitional shelter due to domestic violence, the Coweta-Fayette EMC Trust, Inc. Board of Directors/Operation Round Up recently donated funds to Community Welcome House in Coweta to cover the...