In The Loop Podcast

CFEMC Youth Programs – Apply Now!

Happy Holidays – How CFEMC shares in the Christmas spirit

Giving Back with VISIONEMC

Powering our world – CFEMC’s Connor Hoff helps bring electricity to 90 families in Sesaltul, Guatemala

CFEMC’s Annual Meeting & Member Appreciation Day: Saturday, October 14, 2023

Q&A with Mr. Jim Fulton, CFEMC Board Chair with Coweta-Fayette EMC’s Board of Directors

Q&A with CFEMC System Control: How System Operators work behind the scenes to keep the lights on and answer our member’s calls 24/7

True Natural Gas: History and operations, their relationship with CFEMC, and their involvement with green energy

How CFEMC’s Operation Round Up supports local non-profits, featuring Elevate Coweta Students

The Power Behind the Power: CFEMC Celebrates Lineman Appreciate Month

The Rapid Growth of CFEMC: How the co-op has advanced throughout the years – Part 2